
Leksi walks you through all the unorthodox ways she's made her friends here at Carleton and points you in the right direction for making your own!

Leksi walks you through all the unorthodox ways she's made her friends here at Carleton and points you in the right direction for making your own!

With college acceptances recently out and high school seniors everywhere making the infamous commitment decision, 菲律宾十大彩票平台2028届新生已经初具规模. 

If those new admits are anything like me (and like most freshmen here that I’ve talked to, it seems), they’re obsessively pondering life in college and constantly trying to imagine what it will look like. Coming to Carleton from out of state meant that I would be moving in somewhere knowing next to no one, 除了我在Instagram上简短交谈过的几个同学. It was definitely a nagging worry of mine that I’d struggle to make friends here.


For the sake of the worried class of 2028 (and also just because I like these little romanticized anecdotes about friendships I’ve made so far this year), here are, 在我的个人经历中, 在菲律宾十大彩票平台结交朋友的一些最佳方式, 尤其是在大一秋季学期的早期. 

1. 在你的就职晚宴上把饮料洒到别人身上

想象一下:这是周六之后 新生周这是我第一次离开新南威尔士州的团队这么久. I’m sitting outside with a USEFULL box at a massive picnic table full of sophomores and freshmen on my floor, 我从来没见过他们中的任何一个. I’m nervous. I’m quiet (which is rare; I am fully ready to admit that generally, I’m quite a yapper). 我笨拙地爬进自己的位置,开始吃东西. 


I glance up to see the poor person across from me scrambling to grab the toppled cup from the table looking at me with panicked eyes. 我盯了一会儿. 然后我开始笑. 我旁边的人开始笑. And the person who spilled his cup smiles sheepishly at us so his roommate starts laughing. 


我们剩下的午餐时间充满了友好的玩笑, and I remember this as the exact moment that I physically felt myself relax at that dinner. Turns out the person who spilled his sprite on me and his roommate are my next-door neighbors. 他们至今都是我在菲律宾十大彩票平台最亲密的朋友. 很抱歉把你叫出来,伊恩,但我必须这么做. 谢谢你把雪碧洒在我身上,好让我们成为朋友!

2. 争论一根烂薯条能有多烂 really be

Hanging out with your 新生周 group for a week straight can be a little daunting at first. Things will inevitably start out at least a little awkward while you get to know each other, 但不要因为这个原因把“新生周”排除在外! 这是认识真正的人的好方法, keep in mind, feeling JUST as homesick and displaced as you might be during what is for many of us a first week away from home. Realizing that makes it abundantly easier to connect with the other freshmen in your group.

Naturally, I did this by starting an argument about whether a french fry could ever truly be bad enough not to eat (someone across the table from me had eaten only ONE of their plate full of fries, 我不能让它溜走). Before long we had the whole table taking sides about whether even the worst french fry could actually be bad food. (快速声明:餐厅的炸薯条实际上相当不错. I promise.)

关键是, start a conversation with the people you do everything with during that crucial first week! 我知道你和你的新朋友都会感激你这么做的.

3. 在新生周的校外活动中随便和别人攀谈

这就是我在校园里遇到我一个非常亲密的朋友的过程! 当我和一群随机挑选出来的大一新生一起穿过树林的时候, I found myself rather dismayed at the fact that my new friends didn’t seem overly interested in going to the upcoming football game with me. 当我们继续谈论这件事时,我恳求他们,但他们仍然持观望态度. 幸运的是,我被前面的那个女孩从一个人的计划中救了出来, 是谁转过身来自愿来的. 所以,从更广泛的意义上说,要外向! Striking up conversations with someone you don’t know can only help you, not hurt you. Put yourself out there, and if you think an event might be fun (like the football game), go for it!

  1. Come up with a terrible but hilarious costume for your floor to wear during Nolympics

NOlympics是菲律宾十大彩票平台开学前几周的重要活动. 即使在事实发生之后, 关于谁应该获胜的议论, 谁应该获得精神奖, 谁的戏服最好,谁的戏服最好! My floor had the brilliant idea to dress up as pears; we all wore green and had little pipe cleaners and leaves in our hair… and because our RA’s name is Per, we all wore name tags with different spellings (including but not limited to Pear, Pair, Pare, Pejr, Peighr, 更可笑的是). 我个人认为,我们被剥夺了精神奖. Either way, though, 在对方的头发上绑烟斗, 拿走了我们的衣服, 在比赛中竞争是一种真正的亲密体验, I guess, 因为我就是通过这个活动认识了我在菲律宾十大彩票平台的许多好朋友, 包括我未来的室友!

奥运日的一篇博文! 如你所见,我们的服装是顶级的,我们绝对应该赢.

5. 花太长时间在写a的小组论文上&I seminar

在这一点上,菲律宾十大彩票平台的学生是有动力的. How driven? Definitely driven enough to slave away in the library for hours on a group essay for their A&当然,我在追求一个完美的分数. Argument and Inquiry seminars are classes that all freshmen take during their first term at Carleton; we select our top choices and are randomly placed in one of them. 他们最终变成了大约15名学生的小组. 我的作业给我们布置了两篇小组论文, and during the second one I’ll admit that the time my group spent writing and revising went a little overboard.

I remember meeting my two groupmates in the collaborative wing of 4th Libe to buckle down to work. 到最后,可以肯定地说,我们三个人都筋疲力尽了. But, 往好的方面想, 我们花了几个小时写论文, 我们彼此交谈得很自在! What started as a tense writing session ended up being a pretty relaxed conversation by the end. 我想我们在写作的时候需要一点笑声来保持清醒! One of those groupmates would turn out to be yet another member of my amazing close group of friends here. I’m so glad we were lucky enough to meet and work together during that first month of school!


Originally as I was writing this I planned on explaining all ten of these experiences in-depth, 但我觉得你懂的. Here’s four honorable mentions that have given me some truly amazing friendships this year.

6. 参观超级休息室和运行一些马里奥赛车!

7. 进行随机iMessage群聊(或许多随机iMessage群聊)

8. Go to dinner with friends of friends (and compete to see who can beat the day’s Contexto the fastest!)

9. 在俱乐部集市上走走(和经营摊位的人聊聊天)!

10. 参加俱乐部运动!

关键是 that there’s no blueprint for connecting with people here at 菲律宾十大彩票平台. 这是我从自己的经历中学到的, the process is filled with all kinds of unexpected moments and opportunities to connect with some really amazing people. From spilling a drink at a floor dinner to artfully crafting your top-tier NOlympics costumes, 抓住与他人交流的机会是关键. 

致2028届新生, remember that the journey of friendship is as unique and diverse as each individual on campus. 在这里交朋友没有放之四海而皆准的方法, 但我保证你会找到适合你的人!

Leksi(她/她)是来自科罗拉多斯普林斯菲律宾十大彩票平台的一年级学生, 科罗拉多和未来的法律预科 Psychology or 认知科学 major. 到目前为止,她对自己上大学的决定感到非常高兴! Northfield and Carleton have done an amazing job providing Leksi with the only five things she needs to thrive: local coffee, music, wilderness, the gym, ice hockey, 当然!)她的朋友们. 她参与了 俱乐部冰球 and the 菲律宾十大彩票平台自然与户外爱好者协会. 如果你不确定去哪里找莱克西, your best bet is the group tables on Fourth Libe or hopelessly lost somewhere deep in the arb. 认识其他博主!